I really enjoyed Star Parker's " My Life as a Welfare Brat." It allowed me to see how people live on welfare and not even give a damn. They party and carry on with their lives for basically the price of nothing. I always thought that folks were ashamed and embarrassed to be on welfare, but it seems like those new Jordans that everyone wants and brags about. I especially like when she went on the Oprah Winfrey show to debate the women on welfare, women that have the same mindset like she used to have. Of course she can speak on it, she has lived it , abused it, and she has learned from it. As far as sympathy for these types of women, it depends on the circumstances. We feel sorry for her up to a certain point, but once we know that she , she gets no sympathy.

Oprah asks " Why must we have to see her on the street?" I for one believe that just because she is not on welfare, does not mean she will be in the streets. She could try to get help from family, but I also know how family can be judgemental and hypocritical. Some women would rather struggle than seek help from their family and they could very well have their legitimate reasons. Being on welfare is not bad or lazy. It becomes bad and lazy when someone starts to take advantage of it and does not do anything to better themselves. Why should I, as a taxpayer, work my butt off while someone is at home sucking up the lemonade. It does not work like that. You are going to get your lazy behind up and do something with your life. At least strive to do better for your children if not for yourself.
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